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Jessy's Books

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Dark Matter: A Century of Speculative Fiction from the African Diaspora
Samuel R. Delany, Leone Ross, Evie Shockley, Honorée Fanonne Jeffers, Darryl A. Smith, Akua Lezli Hope, Ama Patterson, Sheree R. Thomas, Charles W. Chestnutt, Paul D. Miller, Linda Addison, Tony Medina, Robert Fleming, Charles R. Saunders, Jewelle Gomez, Kiini Ibura Sal

Funny and Engaging

Further Complications - Bryn Schurman

Further Complications has the honor of being one of the few books that made me laugh out loud while reading it. The plot follows Marty, a disgruntled theater employee, through a night of hijinks that gets more messed up by the minute. The events of the evening become even more hilarious when viewed through the lens of Marty’s neurotic imagination. He calls his stoner friend Jerry (my favorite character by the way) for his drug-induced wisdom, but things get much worse before they get better, possibly because of the wildcard that is Jerry. It seems Jerry can’t resist pushing Marty’s buttons, and who could when there are so many buttons to push? This book is hilarious, exciting, and definitely worth checking out!